Interior Architecture Design II - Project 2a - Sit + Site

12.10.2017 (Week 7)
Yaw Xin Qi (0326980)
Interior Architecture Design II

3 weeks. 20%

Site visit: Pulau Perhentian (Friday, 29 September 2017 - Monday, 2 October 2017) 

To understand a project, a survey or research is needed in order for us to
understand the situation, condition, requirements and needs of the end-user. It
is a checklist of completed inventory as a preparatory step primarily dealing
with basic data as it relates to a specific site.

The project will give a change to the students to explore design in an actual
and NOTICING PATTERNS in getting their information for their project. This will
enhance the learning experience away from the studios and classrooms. The
objective of the site visit is to observe the community activities and site
visitation/location of the students’ project. They also have to explore their
sensitivity towards the surrounding in concerning the cultural and activities
aspect of Pulau Perhentian that can be appropriate for their design project.

Students will engage with site exploration and task activities, all aimed at
enhancing their experiential learning of experiential and experimentation
process. In addition, the trip aims to expose the students to explorative data
collection determined to establish it with the requirement of the final project.

Requirements + Dateline
Site findings/Journal-itineraries/ Presentation Board / Sketches Tutorials / Crit
Depart. Date to Terengganu : 29th September 2017 [11pm]
Depart. back to KL: 02nd October 2017 [4pm]

Pin up Crit Session (Thursday, 12 October 2017)
