Interior Architecture Design II - Project 2b - Time Traveller's Capsule (Final Project)

2.11.2017 (Week 9) - 18.12.2017 (Week 16)
Yaw Xin Qi (0326980)
Interior Architecture Design II

Prologue 1.0
Time travel is a widely-recognized concept in philosophy and fiction. It was
popularized by H. G. Wells' 1895 novel The Time Machine, which moved
the concept of time travel into the public imagination. However, it is
uncertain if time travel to the past is physically possible. Forward time
travel, outside of the usual sense of the perception of time, is possible
according to special relativity and general relativity, although making one
body advance or delay more than a few milliseconds compared to another
body is not feasible with current technology. As for backwards time travel,
it is possible to find solutions in general relativity that allow for it, but the
solutions require conditions that may not be physically possible. Traveling
to an arbitrary point in space time has a very limited support in theoretical
physics, and usually only connected with quantum
mechanics or wormholes, also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges.

Task + Considerations

You are to design a combine space; a workplace where the end-user can
work and live under the same roof, with considerations on how to fit it all
in and yet achieved good comfort. This task shall give an idea how to cope
with small spaces; living in a small space means to focus on good
organization as well as design. The most important things to keep in mind
are the functional needs, communal needs, personal needs, and privacy
needs. Different combination of living are known by creating different
plans of the space and using your creative mind to create multifunctional
The space given will be a two-20-footer shipping containers where you
can configure the layout according to the site. The end-user [separate
info.] for the space needs to be identified where he or she have a
background; where he/she used to work, what is his/her favorite color,
past-time activity, height, weight, expertise, favorite food, drink, movies,
hobbies etc. Basically that person needs to be profiled with details. The
location of the project is in located in between the Perhentian island that
you have identified earlier [location and its surroundings] to determine
exactly how your ‘capsule’ is placed. There are also some issues like how to
survive and daily activities that need to be address before we can start
with the design.
As for design considerations; you have to consider about how do you place
your containers, how do you enter, water supply, food storage, heat and
air ventilation etc. Other consideration that might arise are like usage of
materials and mode of communications.

Pin up Crit Session 01 (Thursday, 2 November 2017)

Pin up Crit Session 02 (Thursday, 16 November 2017)

Pin up Crit Session 03 (Monday, 27 November 2017)

Final Model Submission (Monday, 4 December 2017)

Final Presentation Board 


Pin up (Sunday, 17 December 2017)
Final Design Review (Monday, 18 December 2017)
